Global University Analysis 2021: Rankings and Characteristics

This tool provides a detailed view of universities worldwide, only for the 2021 year. Explore information about teaching scores, research, citations, industry income, and international outlook of higher education institutions.

You can use the interactive visualizations to compare universities by country, specific attributes, and position in the global ranking.

Order by: Students

Filter by country:

Visualization 1: University Comparison by Selected Attribute


This visualization shows universities from the selected country, ordered by the chosen attribute. Each bar represents a university, and its length indicates the value of the selected attribute.


The graph below is restricted to 30 Universities maximum

You can fetch more Universities in a certain country in the third visualization at the end

No universities (filled black)
Selected universities (border red)
The more obscure the blue color is (filled),
the more universities that country has in the ranking.

Visualization 2: Global Distribution of Universities


This interactive map shows the distribution of ranked universities by country. The intensity of the blue color indicates the number of universities in the ranking for each country.

The world map is interactive, you can hover in a country to see their name and the universities this country has in the ranking. Also, you can click in a country to update the first and last visualization with the universities of that country.


Visualization 3: Attribute Comparison Between Universities


This scatter plot allows comparison of two selected attributes among universities in a specific country previously selected in the second and first visualizations. Each point represents a university.


Compare by attributes:

Comparing universities in a previous selected country by two of their attributes, you can change them in the filter above, and click "Compare" to load the graph.


The second visualization was created using this YouTube Video from the channel 'Garaje de ideas' as an initial code reference.

ChatGPT was used to generate the safeData constant in the script.js file, and another few functions to generate the data and animations for the third visualization.